former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell – former U.S. Secretary of the Interior
Sally Jewell – former U.S. Secretary of the Interior
“The protection of wild places is essential for the survival of humanity” – Shelly Sillbert (Conversations on Conservation interview, 2014.)
This month, the Denver Public Library is proud to make a series of important oral history interviews available, featuring important figures in the worldwide environmental conservation movement. Bob Baron of Fulcrum Publishing, who produced the video interviews, began interviewing conservation activists in 2011 to record their ideas about wilderness, climate change, endangered species and public policy. The interview project snowballed, and by 2017 the series had grown to 106 interviews with people working in conservation from across the world, including scientists, Secretaries of the Interior, journalists, artists, governors and directors of environmental organizations.
Chairman, Tsavo Trust, Kenya Nzioki Maka – Chairman, Tsavo Trust, Kenya
Nzioki Maka – Chairman, Tsavo Trust, Kenya
The interviews may be accessed in the Western History and Genealogy Department any time the library is open. Interview subjects are listed in our collection catalog record, and some of the video content is available on our YouTube channel.
Conservation artist, Mexico Beatriz Padilla, conservation artist, Mexico
Beatriz Padilla, conservation artist, Mexico
The interviews, with important figures like former Secretaries of the Interior Ken Salazar and Sally Jewell, former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm, Historian Patty Limerick, and Sierra Club Director Michael Brune, explore why people work to protect nature. People tell their own stories, discuss their inspirations, wisdom and and their hopes for the future of wilderness and conservation.
We hope you’ll come check out this timely new addition to the library’s conservation collection!
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