Archives as Muse
Archives as Muse
What happens when archives and history inspire art?
We can’t wait to find out! The Archives as Muse program is accepting proposals now through June 6, 2017, from artists of all artistic genres, as well as art organizations and schools.
What is Archives as Muse? It’s a new program (sponsored by the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists in collaboration with Denver Arts and Venues) that seeks to attract, inspire, and serve regional creative types. What’s unique about this program is that it guides participants to explore archival collections (including DPL’s archival collections found in the Western History and Genealogy Department). These collections will inspire artists to create one-of-a-kind pieces (be they visual, musical, performance-based, social, experiential, environmental or sensory) that will be performed or displayed, and discussed, at a public arts venue.
The Archives as Muse event will take place at 6 p.m. on October 26th, 2017, at the McNichols Building and will coincide with National Archives Month.
1934 Horses at night [art original].
Horses at night [art original].
Using the Archives as Muse Directory, artists, creatives or groups who wish to contend for a spot in the program will visit an archive or archives in person and—inspired by a collection or item—submit a project proposal/abstract of the artwork and the archive to be explored.
The proposals will be vetted by a juror team of archivists, art curators, writers and performers. All participating artists, whether selected for the program or not, will be given a free ticket to the public program. The juror team will only be choosing 6-7 artists to present work at the October 2017 public program.
The works chosen for the public program will be awarded a $500 honorarium for their time and contribution. All original artworks will be returned and are the property of the artist.
For more information about submitting a proposal and institutions participating in this program, please visit the Archives As Muse Request for Proposals page and the Archives as Muse Directory.
Like art and history? Be sure to visit the Western History and Genealogy Department today!
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